* https://dornsife.usc.edu/profile/antonio-damasio/
* https://www.ted.com/speakers/antonio_damasio
I need to read and watch him. Thank you for mentioning him!
Yes, it's what I think as well; and I think Star Trek's human and vulcan comparison depicted it well. I think even in StarGate where their Asgard friend once said that only humans can solve the problems of the universe.
Emotions give us a different perspective, and it balances our decisions.
And I think even in Fringe, they showed how bad it will be for us humans to not have emotions.
Yet, it's weird how it's usually, if not often, depicted that our to achieve our “next level”, we have to let go of our emotions. Otherwise, we'll be stuck where we are now.
Unless, the writers only want to use these to emphasised how emotions are part of being human. And how, intelligence isn't everything to make us great and survive as a species.