@LifesAHaskell@mastodon.social @drq@mastodon.ml I personally believe the calendar can be simplified extremely in ways that won't even be very noticeable or very hard for people to get used to.
For example we could just make every month of the year 30 days. Why the hell not? We just have to add 5 or 6 days at the end of the year depending on leap year. And of course we should abolish daylight savings worldwide, but only if everyone is in. Also countries that use AM/PM are wrong and should switch to 24 hour clock.
Personally I'm more of a drastic calendar change enthusiast, but I know getting mainstream for this is impossible:
I propose one single global timezone (UTC), no more conversions will ever be needed. Yes that means for Americans for example you will have to start work at 2:00 UTC instead of "9:00 AM" or whatever that means, you'll get used to it.
We should start counting years from 1970, it is currently the year 54. We should abolish AD/BC notations, just use a negative number for any year before the unix epoch.
For years, using the Holocene calendar (12024) is a compromise that I am willing to accept. Getting rid of any system that is biased towards Christianity I approve of.
Weeks should be 6 days, not 7. This means if months are always 30 days (like I proposed previously) a week will fit neatly into a month and the first of the month is always on a Monday, etc.
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