@goatsarah 99% agree with you - hydrogen for any consumer application is stupid - electricity (via batteries were required) will always make more efficient use assuming the bulk of our energy is coming from renewable electricity in some form or other.
No opinion one way or the other on hydrogen in aviation. Maybe alcohol or ammonia? Dunno.
Hydrogen for grid-scale semi-interseasonal energy storage does seem to make some sense to me, though. L²/L³ is on your side if you're storing enough of the stuff. OK, the round-trip efficiency isn't great but I don't really see any other way of storing multiple TWh over weeks or months.
The Dutch government seems to have big plans in that direction. They must make at least a bit of sense, even if they're over-affected by the proximity of Shell or whoever.
A reminder for me to re-read Chris Goodall's The Switch, I think.