@polotek I mean, my personal answer is that I have done something about it. I've moved servers multiple times and currently I am primarily using an instance that I own.
But as I mentioned earlier, the things I have that allowed me to make those decisions and follow through with those actions are not available to everybody in equal measures. Furthermore, migrating servers is considerably easier than it used to be, as I understand it. But it's an imperfect process that can still sever connections even if you're very careful about how you do it.
When we're talking about an important project like the bridge, all I am saying is that it would be nice if the person doing it would consider those who are not as replete in the technical know how, time, and determination that makes all of these features easier to navigate. They deserve to be considered too. Their consent should have been sought through an opt-in mechanism.
This is one of my biggest issues with a tech heavy space like the fediverse. A lot of people seem to think everyone who doesn't know as much as they do about technology are fucking idiots. Not everyone who has trouble moving servers is unintelligent or reckless with their privacy. The condescension from people who work in the field about what every hypothetical user should be able to do easily is absurd and alienating. We should be making decisions with all of our users in mind, NOT JUST THE SAVVY ONES. It's not unreasonable and it's not unfair.
And in the category of questions not addressed, WHY is it so important that he gets to do this?! What's so hard about opt-in????
I've asked you multiple times, and despite you claiming to have addressed every point raised to you directly, you haven't said anything about it. So I'm not going to say anything else to you until you answer.