@nsarwark @Beeks In fact I'm not familiar with a single issue that Mr. Kennedy is in favor of less government. Even on the Vaccination stuff he's not aligned with Libertarian positions, free of government funding, free of government regulation (allowing individuals to choose to get or not get regardless of any particular body's "approval" without feat or fine or imprisonment), allowing private contracts (like employment) to determine if vaccination is "required" for signatures to said contract.
I'm not certain if its actually an echo of Trump, that guy changes his position like the wind so I could be wrong, but he used to brag about if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have the great covid vaccine. Traditionally it had been the left-wing organic nuts like Jenny McCarthy &the Green Party's Jill Stein, that were anti-vaxx. I"m not sure if its the "Alex Jones" factor or what, but ever since Trump came out as "just questioning" Obama's birth certificate, it seems completely acceptable in the Republican ranks to accept any conspiracy theory, no matter how out-of-touch it is with reality or their alleged conservative values.