@HistoPol @wikipedia @marcelliotnet @Oeneus
While it's true that Arab nations initially rejected the UN Partition Plan for Palestine (Resolution 181), it's incorrect to suggest that the resolution was not realized solely because of their rejection. The plan was not fully implemented due to various factors, including the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 and subsequent territorial disputes.
UN General Assembly resolutions, including Resolution 181, are indeed non-binding. However, they still carry significant political and moral weight, even if they lack enforceability under international law.
The comparison between Resolution 181 and Israel's legal claim to statehood is not entirely accurate. Israel's declaration of statehood in 1948 was based on a combination of factors, including the UN Partition Plan, but also on the ground realities at the time, such as the Jewish population's presence and the outcome of the Arab-Israeli War of 1948.
UN resolutions can be repealed, modified, or superseded over time by subsequent resolutions or developments in international law and politics.