@violetmadder @MartyFouts @MisuseCase @SallyStrange @CorvidCrone @AdrianRiskin
I highly recommend this book:
"State Capitalism: The Wages System Under New Management" by Adam Buick and John Crump
I found it very helpful not just for clarifying this particular idea but also for understanding of capitalism in general.
Free download:
Here's the definition of capitalism that they work with:
...apart from being a class society, capitalism
has the following six essential characteristics:
1. Generalised commodity production, nearly all wealth being produced for sale on a market.
2. The investment of capital in production with a view to obtaining a monetary profit.
3. The exploitation of wage labour, the source of profit being the unpaid labour of the producers.
4. The regulation of production by the market via a competitive
struggle for profits.
5. The accumulation of capital out of profits, leading to the expansion and development of the forces of production.
6. A single world economy.
They convincingly show that capital still runs things whether it is controlled by private individuals or state officials.
Enclosure works with state or "public" property just as well as private property.