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- Embed this notice@vriska listen man, i see a group of people being really shitty, and a member of their group is trying to justify being really shitty and evil, in the stupidest most spineless ways possible. i'll shit on that person, and on that group of people, simple as. i'm not doing it for anyone in particular. I wouldn't expect you to understand, because you're a literal jew-lover, but its what it is.
georgia was cool when she was being a retard about debian and android, and you could tease her. she always had shitty opinions, but now she's justifing genocide because "tecnhically its ethnic cleansing not genocide", or whatever bs she's saying, personally guiltripping the people she argues with, etc. its your girl that needs to grow up, not everyone else
if your issue is me being mean, get her out of my tl