The influx of livecoding communities + projects to the fediverse continues! So far we know of these livecode related communities:
* Barcelona: @toplap_bcn
* Bogotá: @bogota
* Colectivo de Live Coders (Argentina): @clic_livecoding
* Creative coding Utrecht: @creativecoding
* Karlsruhe: @toplap_ka
* livecodenyc: @livecodenyc
* Madrid: @mad
* México: @toplapmx
* Netherlands coding live: @nl_cl
* Pattern Club Sheffield: @patternclubsheffield
* Slovenski: @slovenski_toplap
and the following projects:
* Animatron: @animatron
* Bubo tools (topos and sardine): @bubotools
* Eulerroom (live streams): @eulerroom
* Facet: @facet
* Gibber: @gibber
* Mercury: @mercury
* Strudel: @strudel
* TidalCycles: @tidalcycles
* vvvv @vvvv
Plus @algorave.. Who are we missing?