Notices by _\|/_ TOPLAP Karlsruhe (
This is the timeline for toplapka, but toplapka hasn't posted anything yet. Why not register an account and then nudge toplap_ka or post a notice to them.
This is the timeline for toplapka, but toplapka hasn't posted anything yet. Why not register an account and then nudge toplap_ka or post a notice to them.
We are a live coding community based in Karlsruhe, Germany. We want to meet regularly in the physical and virtual space, organize workshops and concerts and connect with other live coding communities all around the globe!
GNU social JP is a social network, courtesy of GNU social JP管理人. It runs on GNU social, version 2.0.2-dev, available under the GNU Affero General Public License.
All GNU social JP content and data are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.