@freemo @khird Most of this thread could go on a FAQ headed the same or as "Thinking of leaving?" as it makes leaving or staying clearer (I was thinking about leaving and did think more of misleading number count as you say. I will say I was thinking about leaving but did emotionally check because it's everyone and their overall level of shallow-only comms so more than jumping ship I knew to expect different somewhat but felt/feel like maybe I need to try something.
So it did help you responded. I wouldn't put down QOTO suddenly - just want more active participation or participatory projects, some imagination than building robots etc (which is probably considered extra - but shit I'll pay you to come on my podcast or chat privately for better human condition / educating humanity via interactivity!!)
My answer is this:
Thanks, got plenty of time for folks here on #QOTO and hope more #QUESTIONS get answered like this for all our 2024 dreams :)