Also measuring what blocks us in terms of count is **highly** discouraged as a measure. Because instances that dont block others will have high block counts from others as a consequence but since no outgoing blocks occur the ovberall footprint may be quite high.
More importantly though there was a large group of servers that spent some time (still do I think) trying to game the numbers to make certain servers look like they were highly blocked when in fact they were not.
What they did was create a server block count list, and the list was a gated community so just these collective of hostile instances were the ones curating the list, which meant those people creatin the list would leave off their own instances when they were blocked, while at the same time adding block counts to the servers they wanted to defame. To make matters worse though they started an intentional campaign where they split out servers with multiple people into very small one person servers, and then blocked instances they wanted to defame. So they were able to BS the block list because the list only counted the number of instances that blocked you and didnt account for how large those instances is. So one server would show with 300 blocks, all one-user instances, and another server would have just 1 block but form an instance with 10K users. So obviously it sent a very misleading picture.