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- Embed this noticeI guess the "royal we" of society ... at some point in history, more people started making more road vehicles and a lot of communities had some people who got in an uproar cause John was riding his motorized carriage after drinking a 5th of Whiskey and ran over the Taylor girl killing her. And so somewhere, either through some local government or a sheriff or a monarch, through demands of people or aristocracy (often both) people stared making rules and enough people agreed with (or at least weren't bothered by) those rules that people started enforcing and living by them.
I mean, just because you don't go to city council meetings or talk to your local reps, or volunteer for political work, doesn't mean you're not a part of society. It shows you have other priorities. Even for people who don't do that, simply talking about things loudly and writing and letting opinions be known does have an influence on the larger zeitgeist.
You don't have to agree on the rules by the way. You can go driving drunk and run through other peoples' houses if you want. That's fine. Enough of society has accepted those rules they will lock you up. If you can convince enough of them you're in the right, then maybe you can get away with all of that ... but it's unlikely because you being a shitty driver hurts other people.