The original claim was that jaywalking is only an offence in America. I'm sure if I prove that statistically more countries have road crossing laws than not, you will tell me that it's not illegal on most planets of the galaxy. ;)
But I want to make a different point towards the spirit of this discussion rather than its letter.
Here's a thing from my personal experience living in Türkie: the police doesn't fine pedestrians crossing roads in random places, but they also don't fine people who ride **motorbikes** on pedestrian crossings and sidewalks.
I'm not kidding you: it's common to see people (often food delivery couriers) turn to a pedestrian crossing on a motorbike to save time — often to take a shortcut, but sometimes even just to avoid waiting for the road traffic light to turn green.
Reportedly, the situation in Thailand and many other places is similar — their loose regulation or enforcement make them _more_ of a pedestrian nightmare, not less.