@CloudyMrs @mudge
>Why would pedestrians be hurling themselves in front of cars?
I honestly don't know.
>Why would you not be able to stop to let them cross if they did?
I usually can — the braking distance of a bike is certainly a lot shorter than that of a car... but the braking distance of the car or, worse, a bus or a truck that is behind me can be much longer.
In any case, I shouldn't have to — traffic lights and pedestrian crossings were invented for a reason. I never jaywalk when I'm a pedestrian: there are crossings with absurdly long wait times, but the rules of the road are there to follow them.
>Is everyone in your town on drugs? Sounds terrifying.
People I know are on drugs are often much more sensible. ;)
Thankfully, people going the wrong way on bike lanes aren't _too_ common, but I see at least one almost every day.