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- Embed this notice@Marshall Sutherland (Posting with Hubzilla) admittedly, I've yet to come up with any conclusive arguments, to persuade the masses, as of yet, however, your question, does have me more focused, to that end. I do however, realize, that I may be fighting a vain, pointless, battle. If I were, ever to do so, there would be, a significant amount of men, whose votes, mirror exactly, the votes of many women, whose job it would be, to oppose me, in that endeavor and I'd be hard pressed, to strip them from their voting rights as well.
All in all, the notion is, in its embryonic stages and not exactly on the top, of my list of priorities. Also, knowing so well, how keen many women voters are, in the treatment of embryos, it may well come to an unfortunate, premature end. It is just a mere, recent prejudice, one which I plan on justifying, first to myself and soon, if I can, valid arguments make, to venture out, into the deep waters to proclaim the ills and dangers, of the hordes of female electors. Wish me luck.