Well, the thing about ActivityPub is that it’s ultimately about someone doing something. Sending a message, listening to a song, liking a post, and so on.
But here are a few things I was thinking could be sent over ActivityPub meaningfully (as in, the content is more structured than just a block of text in the content field of the JSON blob, but carefully structured into its own many fields, later to be interpreted by a client) but currently aren’t:
- Measurements that take place at a certain time, like the temperature from a particular thermometer or the altitude of a drone
- Moves in games like chess or Magic: the Gathering
- Dice roll outcomes, deck shuffles
- Legal filings, arrest blotters
- Logistical details for things like flight takeoffs and landings or shipment arrivals and departures
- Lurking data, like who glanced at a post and who clicked on a post to read it in isolation
These are just examples but hopefully my “vision” here is making sense. We techies should be endeavoring to create as many of these as possible and bake them right into the current implementations of Pleroma and so on