why are you talking about poor people?
Because the poor people are the ones suffering, not the millionairs. I dont care about wealth disparity, I care about the quality of life of the poorest people and what percentage are below the poverty line, I work from the bottom up.
More billionairs mean fewer people in extreme poverty. That is the win, not how well off the millionairs are, who are welcome to exist, but their quality of life is not my top concern.
I’m comparing the billionaire vs the multi millionaire
You shouldnt be, the millionaires arent suffering, improving their quality of life should not be the focus.
I’m saying what separates them is luck.
Which is wrong, while there is an element of luck it is quite obvious if you knows these sorts of people that a millionaire has a very different approach to money than a billionaire. A billionaire isnt lucky, statistically that doesnt make much sense as most are not billionairs from single ventures, they become rich over many many short term successes and failures. Over long periods of time luck averages out and its mostly skill… Unless you became a billionaire over night or inhereited it (which is a minority among the rich) then its skill mostly with an element of luck that is fairly minor.
they both did great and deserve to live well etc. I’m not eliminating that by reducing the billionaire to a multi millionaire thru progressive taxes.
They both did well but the fact that the difference is mostly luck is just pure nonsense… the billionaire consistently made better choices. They are usually far more skilled at generating wealth than millionaires, this should be apparent given that these are long term gains over hundreds of thousands of decisions, not a roll of the dice.