Dear Dr. Freemo: I respect your position, I am not attempting to dictate what content that you allow on #QOTO, I am only going by our own internal public decency policy which I myself do not control. Actually our managing editors have the final word. This is our unique checks and balances system, our internal checks and balances system has served us well, in a sense, we are our own internal moderation board, so it is not us lecturing to social media platform operators, but rather us attempting to police ourselves as journalists.
Dr. Freemo, it is not you that we seek to intentionally censor at the #FreePeoplesFreePress News or #freePressWithoutBorders News, we intentionally censor ourselves, we do not believe in public censorship, we believe in freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, #FreePeoplesFreePress News