Tonight at 7pm ET we're hosting organizer and filmmaker Marisa Holmes in conversation with media studies scholar @ntnsndr! In "Organizing Occupy Wall Street," Holmes analyzes the movement as a core organizer involved from start to finish. She reveals how #OWS organized in practice, which experiments were most successful, and what future generations can learn.
Register for this free event at (link in bio), where you can also pick up a copy of “Organizing Occupy Wall Street." Can't make the event? No worries! Register and we'll send you a recording once it's posted to our YouTube channel.
"[M]ovement history at its best: meticulous, direct, and expansive in revolutionary scope. Providing a crucial corrective to all too many reductive Occupy narratives, Holmes emphasizes the movement's context in international struggles and centers it's all-too-overlooked form as a horizontalist, richly lived radical experiment. This is the Occupy we need to remember; these are the practices we must carry forward."
—Natasha Lennard, author of "Being Numerous: Essays on Non-Fascist Life"
#OccupyWallStreet #WeAreThe99Percent #AnarchistHistory #FeministBookstore #OrganizingOccupyWallStreet #FirestormCoop (- L)