@eris@akko.disqordia.space I will say personally, and with no offense meant, that I do think, as you put it, "binary trans" is quite silly since, essentially, none of this matters or should matter in actual reality as any identities or limitations when it comes to one's identity within this context is purely manufactured either by ourselves or by adopting society's contemporary status-quo manufacture. However, I don't really care (in a nice way): I.e., I fully support one's own autonomy to idealize or identity oneself as one wishes and to seek whatever measures one deems necessary for oneself to try actualizing that identity. I would still, however, assert that my point remains: much of that "transition", e.g. dress or voice, etc., is still chasing a phantom of one's own perception of society's concept of a thing, without really even knowing the individual perceptions or criterion therein of what makes a thing a thing.