@NEETzsche @37712 @DoubleD @Stahesh @Tfmonkey @pcachu “we had actual elections [in 1980]. We don’t have that now.”
And you know this how??? Haven’t heard of the 1960 and 1964 election details?? The former was widely recognized as stolen, the latter had the FBI planting bugs in Goldwater’s campaign plane etc.
All you have to do is to note how often the ruling trash of a polity doesn’t get its way in an election. OK, it’s another country, but see the recent Australian vote. That happens more often than the West’s ruling trash wants. Which of course is zero times, but when they lost a Brexit….
Locally, I can attest this happens a lot in my part of deep Red State America no matter how much our ruling trash stamp their feet and harm us. But look for other examples I can cite without getting doxxed, Virginia is a good one, see the end of (((Eric Cantor’s))) political career in 2014, and the general Democratic skunking in that state in 2021. As someone who spent a dozen years in the state when it was Purple, along with many others we’d incorrectly concluded it had gone permanently Blue.
Note also how Officially close a lot of these elections are, and, again, how many go against Democrats and members of the establishment so I can sweep in the GOPe.
Now, it’s entirely possible you’re right at the national level, but you need more than two elections and only one Presidential to make a solid case that’s true, otherwise your black pilling makes you effectively an enemy agent.
I’m not counting 2018 due to how many RINOs simply headed for the exits before the election, plus each Senate election is only for a third of the body. On the other hand, perhaps study the corrupt deal the Georgia GOPe made with the state’s Democrats for them to win statewide elections (then again, who wants to be ruled by Stacy Abrams??) and against Trump and the 2020 Republican Senatorial candidates.
In any case, another fact free reply will mark you as a troll and possible enemy agent, and people who don’t mute you in response will get what they deserve.