Work It is an American television sitcom that aired on ABC from January 3 to January 10, 2012. Set in St. Louis, the series is about two men who must dress as women in order to keep a job in a bad economy.
The series had received overwhelmingly negative reviews. The series premiere was watched by an American audience of 6.16 million. Ratings dropped to 4.9 million viewers in the second episode, and the series was cancelled by ABC on January 13, 2012, after two episodes aired, following another attempt at a "man-cession" comedy called Man Up!, which failed earlier in the season.
Work It centered on men laid off from a fictional St. Louis GM plant after the Pontiac line was phased out, who believe that the current economic recession and job shortage has affected men more than women. One of the men, Lee Standish, inquires about a job opening at Coreco Pharmaceuticals, where he finds that the company employs female sales reps almost exclusively. He then dresses as a woman, applies for the job, and is hired. Character development, starting in the first episode, involves the men learning how to be more...