@HeavenlyPossum @KevinCarson1 yeah, taxation is only made necessary because we have a fucked up system that leads to wealth accumulation and destitution and a lack of autonomy and independence for people and poverty traps and so on. And I would rather deal with the problem at its roots and remove the system that creates the symptoms we need taxation to ameliorate then to just be happy putting an ever-stronger Band-Aid on the problem. Especially when that Band-Aid comes with increasing possibilities for misuse and increasing centralized power. Which is why it frustrates me when fellow anarchists sing the praises of taxation and get suspicious when you're against it. Yeah in some cases — if it's actually used for good things which it rarely really is — it can be a massive boon for people, and we shouldn't abolish taxation without abolishing the state and capitalism, as you said, but a lot of anarchists seem to take the fact that taxation can be good in the context of the current system and assume that means it is an actual moral good, something that is good in itself. Which leads them to totally buy into absurd statist brainworms like the liberal justifications for taxation, so that they even push for taxation-like institutions even in a post-state society! Like when Robert Evans (who I'm a fan of) talks about how taxation is actually good and morally required because "we have to contribute back to society."