@Chimneyswift @benda @SocialistStan @condalmo @moondog548 I'm not advocating for any kind of accelerationism, but it is very clear that the reforms that leftist political parties enact make people far less likely to even want to abolish the state or capitalism, because they've been given a new faith in the system, and hope that the reformist will make it better. That is why many Anarchist say the leftist parties and the rightist parties are the same, not because they literally advocate for the same policies, but because they are a yin and yang to democratic capitalism, the institutions not being able to exist without both. The leftist parties give people hope in the system and calms down their revolutionary spirits, while the rightist parties, and sometimes even the leftist parties, engage in the full on exploitation ifnthe working class. The people get angry and want to revolt, and then the leftist parties eases their frustrations with more promises of reforms to the system to make them calm again, and the whole cycle repeats over again, possibly forever unless destroyed.