I'm not shocked that Temple said that as I only know about her work on animal behavior. Time has shown me that having points of agreement or being inspired by someone does not mean that I will be in total agreement with them on everything let alone anything else.
Yes, Monsanto is bad.
When I regularly used to read AlterNet, I think they did articles about people losing their farms (or at least being sued) for using seed that wasn't part of a corporate contract.
And, merely finding GMO plants growing on a non-contract farm were grounds for suits.
That kind of corporate shenanigan outweighs the good that GMO is alleged to offer.
I ineffectually avoid GMO products because they are unavoidable as labelling is never going to be 100% reliable in a capitalist environment.
Sure, it's great to hope science can do wonderful things but I think that genetically modifying plants/animals is *not* that wonderful future.
So, here's me looking forward to the promise of the yummy black-soldier-ant based food economy. 👍