@blaaablaaaa @KiKi88 @LifeMM @matty @ChurnHinge @Dan_Hulson @King_Noticer @OceanRedux @Zealist My two cents that nobody asked for (yes I read the whole thread this time):
- Nobody is in trouble for Little St. James Island
- Nobody is in trouble for covid, incl. the engineered virus itself or the vaccines
- Nobody is in trouble for stealing elections (federal and many states), and it still happens which is why nobody cares about campaigning/shilling for 2024
- WHO, WEF, UN, etc. continue to operate mostly unimpeded, though they admit they are behind on their 2030 goals
- The dollar is broken in many ways, miraculously propped up by the usual trickery
- The mainstream right are actually faggots, as those here have already noticed
- Whites are rapidly becoming a minority in their own land, racemixing propaganda and endlessly importing browns being major contributors
- Other things like weather manipulation are destroying crops, which will catch up to us soon
This is only the tip of the iceberg on how absolutely OVER it is…
If you see things from a worldly perspective.
People thought Christendom was over when Constantinople fell to the Muslim horde in 1453, yet we live on. They thought it was over after the Battle of Yarmuk in 636. They thought it was over when persecution by the Romans ramped up in the time before Constantine.
They thought it was over when Jesus actually died on the cross, when he was supposed to be the savior of humanity.
My point is that, if you look at it from how OVER it is with American-style blinders on and ignore the historical realities, or more importantly, the spiritual realities, you’re going to be blackpilled.
The truth is that, life or death, we are WINNERS in the end. Jesus Christ is our savior, he hated the very same people we hate (just read John 8 and John 10), and he made it very clear that he would die, be raised back to life, return to heaven, and then return to earth one final time at the end of the age to wipe out evil once and for all.
Remember all those times when we said our hope is in Jesus? What changed? This entire life, whether we live in “interesting times” or not, is a big lesson and test of faith. We will each die one way or another, and our souls are eternal. We are here one day and gone the next, but the moment when it really is OVER for you, you’ll find that you’re still aware, and that there is a God who loves you in particular more than you could ever imagine.
And for those who hate Jesus, fine. Good luck fighting a spiritual war with physical weapons. That’s a recipe for failure from the start.
We’ve been tossed into the blender, and things are going to get worse and worse for us…Some will die, others will make it to the other side with horrible scars both mental and physical, but at the end of the day, our eternal souls will be saved, cleansed, and perfected.
So be of good cheer.