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- Embed this notice@diceynes @Floydian_Psychology @Humpleupagus @MechaSilvio @Plerome agree. all jews are Europeans converted into Abrahamism. the ones with the big noses are just middle eastern mixtures from Mizrahi, Sephardi, Khazari. The jews with wealth and power are predominantly Germanic. Yiddish is a Germanic language. there is no such thing as a jewish race. This is why most Ashkenazi have German surnames. Ashkenazi means jews who live with the Ashkenazim. It doesn't refer to them. Their name for Germanic people are Ashkenazim. Ashkenaz is the Ancient Ancestor of the Germanic people. They are Germans converted into Judaism the same as Christians or Muslims. Abrahamism has no race. it only has converts. This of course doesn't change the fact that they hate White people or work together against us. They don't see themselves as Europeans. They see themselves only as Jewish. They are infected with abrahamism.