@roboneko @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @leyonhjelm @caekislove @NEETzsche it’s a flawed assumption, I hold strong opinions on the issue because of America’s history of erasing groups via made up terminology. Latino is one example of this, nobody outside of the west uses it to describe themselves. Everywhere else people say what country they are from, but Americans are different and will cite ethnicity over their American Nationality for varying reasons.
for example let’s take someone from Mexico and Argentina, these are two distinct nations which may contain z multitude of different ethnic groups within it. People disregard Brazil having a bigger population of Japanese than Japan themselves. Would you call Japanese Brazilians “latino”? From a racial standpoint they don’t fit the stereotype, and they are asian. Now let’s take some German nazi descendants in Argentina, they don’t identify as “latino”, brown, or indio in any way I can tell you that much. White lahtenos know they are white. They are the one’s in positions of power the majority of the time, they are the one you see on Telenovellas, apparently most are not even Mexican anymore but European.