@jerome Yep!
When I first learned of it, I was surprised too. I thought foreigners just weren't interested… I mean, after all, as far as benefits go, usually their native countries provide better support.
But it turns out there are many foreigners who wants to become a Filipino citizen, it just is so hard and time consuming to be one.
(Like that requirement to not leave the country for at least 5(?) years before they can start their application. And during the application process, they shouldn't leave the country still.)
And yes, the final step, Congress approval. If they find just a little “dirt”, it can become an item for denial or the delay of their naturalization.
Though, I think if one truly wants to become a Philippine citizen, it's worth it. One such is, they no longer have to pay the foreigner's fee of staying in the country annually (which is expensive), and all the annual requirements (like yearly NBI/police clearance). And the freedom to go outside the country again! Hehe.
(Note: The process before reaching the Congress, might have changed, maybe it's easier than when I first read the documents about it years ago.)