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- Embed this noticeDude. Do you honestly think jannying is fun and/or easy? Really want to talk about fair? I can't go into details, but we do not have an easy ride compared to users. There is no power abuse, we give out stupid badges as a joke to people/each other. That's about it. That's the only perk, and they get taken down/fixed if people ask. As you know.
Worried about a badge that basically just translates to "Hey, I banter with these guys"? Try a janny badge sometime, that's a much bigger target lol. I got zero problems from "meat inspector" for months, and the injokes around it, it's legitimately just people having fun. We banter, especially with people who give it out. We assume they can take it, and when they can't we generally try to adapt to that best we can. He's a good guy, he's a good janny, and I called you gay on at least one of those badges I think so share some of that anger this way.