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- Embed this noticeI didn't play it when it came out either, I remember a friend trying to sell me on it and I was like "Eh, maybe later dude" lmao. It's a really good game though tbh, even without nostalgia. I went through with each clan (with the Clan Quest mod, it adds a lot of content in there), and autistically got every ending. Dance party with a werewolf ending is canon.
I think the variant origins is in both of the links I gave, gotta be careful with some. They can make the game a lot harder than they sound lol.
-Brujah/Toreador are basically god mode when you get celerity.
-Don't overinvest in melee, you'll need to swap to guns at some point.
-Use a walkthrough for the sewers, it's fucking tedious without one.
-The companions mod is a bit weird. If you sire more than once, it's an instant game over (even if you've gone Sabbat) and I lost some followers on a particular mission. They just yeet out of existence if you don't send them home before it ends.