I'd have to watch it to tell you tbh, and it's netflix so I just don't wanna. Seems like a robo loli copy of Jinx from LoL to me, fairly common waifu type I think?
Yeah.. It's not a great trend. I can get the cute/quirky psycho chick being attractive part, but I don't get why they have to keep combining that with looking underage. Degens gonna degen I suppose..
IIRC, ~Studio Trigger was very firm on including the random loli when they were challenged on it. So it's at least eastern degeneracy to blame this time.
Oh and the show is okay, I'd give it like 65%. It shows cyberpsychosis in a more interesting way than the games, plus more Adam Smasher which is always a bonus.
I'm mostly just kind of tired of netflix shows, they all have the same kind of bullshit. I don't even care enough to pirate them anymore. I enjoyed castlevania (up to Drac dying anyway) and the witcher's first season, but they seem hellbent on funding woke teams to destroy decent franchises. I can't get invested in that shit.
The only Netflix show I watched recently was Cyberpunk, and that's cos I was stuck at home over Christmas without my computer, and Jojo's... heard they fucked up the release of that too. I think I mostly managed to avoid their bullshit, but I can see the frustration in them fucking up so many big name projects. I wanted live-action Cowboy Bebop to be good but I hear that was fucked too.
Anything designed for netflix I end up resenting tbh. There are some edgy/woke comedy specials, bo burnham comes to mind, that I can tolerate and even really enjoy parts of. But overall it's just too puritanical/preachy for me to go back to.
Haven't given them a penny since they doubled down on cuties tbh.
Try Bloodlines sometime, it's dragged me back to it a lot, there are some mods that fix/expand the content. Don't do Nosferatu on a first run (they're kind of a hard mode, they're too ugly to hide what they are), Malkavian's probably best for a 2nd run too (they're fucking insane, you have conversations with a stop sign and TV at one point).
This one's basically vital or it's an unplayable mess, they were rushed and went under before it was ready to release. Fans (and I IIRC some of the original devs) fixed it for free afterwards. https://www.nexusmods.com/vampirebloodlines/mods/80
or a modpack that already includes it like this one. Clan Quest is probably my favourite, opens up a lot of replayability including as a Sabbat (the evil evil vampires) https://www.nexusmods.com/vampirebloodlines/mods/104
You mean three movies with the exact same plot didn't survive a rewatching as an adult? Shocking. It's like watching old A-Team episodes and realizing how fucking cringe it truly was...
I didn't play this when it was new, just within the past five years or so. Played it vanilla, as a Brujah. Started a second character as a Malkavian, but never got very far into it. I seem to remember a mod that allowed for True Brujah and other variants - is one of these that mod?
I didn't play it when it came out either, I remember a friend trying to sell me on it and I was like "Eh, maybe later dude" lmao. It's a really good game though tbh, even without nostalgia. I went through with each clan (with the Clan Quest mod, it adds a lot of content in there), and autistically got every ending. Dance party with a werewolf ending is canon. I think the variant origins is in both of the links I gave, gotta be careful with some. They can make the game a lot harder than they sound lol.
-Brujah/Toreador are basically god mode when you get celerity. -Don't overinvest in melee, you'll need to swap to guns at some point. -Use a walkthrough for the sewers, it's fucking tedious without one. -The companions mod is a bit weird. If you sire more than once, it's an instant game over (even if you've gone Sabbat) and I lost some followers on a particular mission. They just yeet out of existence if you don't send them home before it ends.
I had it installed on my computer for years cos I didn't want to have to reinstall the mod that fixes it, but then my hard-drive crashed. I'll check that out, thanks.