The religious hatred comes from the fact that the Jews organized the killing of Jesus and don’t acknowledge him as the prophesied messiah. The Talmud was made in two parts between 200AD and 500AD so well after the events and is more ‘salt in the wound’ than anything. The only Jews practicing the religion as it existed during Jesus’ time are the Samaritans, the current group is about as divergent from the original Jewish faith as the Mormons are to the original faith as organized at the Council of Nicea.
The secular hatred is an endless historical list of events where they backstab the sitting authorities and invite in invaders, starting in the holy land which is outlined several times in the Book of Judges where Baal keeps popping up over and over leading to societal dysfunction before some big name figure squashes the whole thing and sets everyone back onto a hardline path again. The Jews feature prominently in the Islamic invasions of Roman possessions in the Holy Land, Egypt and are almost a central figure, nearly as large as the Muslim forces, in the invasion of Visigothic Spain and its administration after the Visigoths rulers were ejected by Muslim forces.