@TerminalAutism @ryo I understand your position because you are pretty blackpilled, but not having children is what the elites ultimately want. Raising a family shows people that they have more value than being "cogs in the machine". It's why they hate it. It's why they've been pushing all this anti-natalism crap, LGBT propaganda, and the overpopulation myth.
I think once they get the transhumanist tech right, the ultimate goal is to re-engineer the human species to be more ant or bee-like where you have sterile workers and the reproducing elite who use artificial wombs to create more workers. Those artificial humans will have no connection to any family, race, or culture, and they can be programmed to do what the elites want them to do.
The solution IS to have children. We need to create a new generation of people who are self-reliant, freedom loving, and open-minded. We just need to raise them right. Don't send them to school, teach them to value freedom at an early age, and to be skeptical of the media.