@ryo @cee @xianc78 This divide is nothing new. Here is a post from over a decade ago in which somebody from the left anarchy side makes very similar observations. He states that from their side, it mistakenly looks as though right anarchists want a big corporate state.
This is a lot of common ground! So much so, that I think that one would be hard-pressed to find another group that “regular anarchists” have so much in common with! With this being the case, why not unify? Why not work together against our common enemies? The obstacles that we need to overcome are enormous, and we need all the help we can get. … Left anarchists tend to mistakenly believe that right anarchists want more of what we have now – imperialism, mercantilism and a Corporate State, instead of wanting no government whatsoever. The right anarchists tend to mistakenly see the left anarchists as being a new form of Leninist or as wanting a conformist tyranny-of-the-majority Borg.
It seems divide and conquer tactics have been at play for quite some time here. And I’m all for bridging the gaps.