@ryo This girl, who is a tech normie as best I can discern, produced a really decent overview of what she calls “the indie web” to introduce gen Z and millennial neophytes: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=rTSEr0cRJY8 It is a bit neocities centric but that kind of content is the thing that can draw eyes over to the fact that a non-corporate, less centralized web is alive and well.
Also, here in Japan if you refuse to have a smartphone with you at all times
By whom? Businesses? It’s saddening that the default assumed state is now phone ownership. One of my own observations from this side of things: My bank automatically set everyone up with online banking a few years ago. Ever since I refused, they’ve been charging fees for paper statement deliveries and constantly advertising just what a headache I’d be saving if only I would just switch. But that’s not happening any time soon. I’ve had stores ask me about installing their apps to save a percentage on purchase, to which I’ve learned it is faster to just lie to them “my phone is broken” than to explain each and every time that I don’t even own one.