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Just like they invented words like "racism", "sexism", "transmista", "transphobia", "homophobia", "antisemite", and other non-existing vocabulary, I think we should too invent new words for:
・someone who discriminates you for not wearing a face diaper
・someone who gets a mental meltdown over a loli drawing and act as if the sky is falling
・someone who considers you a weirdo because you don't watch/read "the news"
We already have words like "fascist" for the anti-no-maskers, "lunatic" for the anti-loli, and "brainwashed slaves/zombies" for the anti-reality people, along with "globalist", "Jews", and "bootlicker" for all 3 of them, but all these words are too broad in nature, so we need something more specific.
Well, "racist" and "nazi" are so broad these days that they don't mean anything anymore, but both started with a very specific niche.
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@ryo I'm not much of a Styxhexenhammer fan, but I like his use of "Branch Covidians" for the first group
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> Branch
Like in Git terminology?
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@ryo A lot of those words are basically useless for anything other than for making jokes. Even if you discuss the actual issues, the words are so tainted by propaganda and hysteria that you're better off not using them at all in that context, because it triggers emotional responses that have been programmed into people and they become incapable of reason.
Though they can be strategically useful, at least some of them. A word like fascist, that could really be used positively, because the "left" hates "fascists", and the "right" hates "socialists", and fascists are socialists (Mussolini himself said so). Some people hate corporations, some hate the government. Well, corporations are the government and the government is a corporation, and fascism is considered to be the two combined. So what exactly are people arguing about? Bunch of distractions, that's what. They have the same enemy.
A lot of people actually agree on most things that are really critical in the present moment, they are just too mindfucked by psyops to realize it, so they just keep on uselessly fighting each other. Those terms are all used for black magic, but their power can turned back right towards the people that made them powerful in the first place. Unfortunately not enough people realize what kind of war they're in, so it hasn't consciously been done yet on a large enough scale.
They don't realize that they are in a war for the control of the human mind, and that the people in power use language as a literal weapon, and that's why they always insist on controlling it. Without realizing it, they have no defense for it, and really, in the state that they are i, they can't understand it, it's too abstract. They can only see the physical world, and can't see this system for what it is, and how they manipulate language and charge certain words with emotional energy, generally in two groups (words that you are not allowed to say and words that are used to separate the people that use those words, the first giving power to the second, and receiving their power from being artificially forbidden in the first place). These are all forces that are in the background, affecting most of the population of this planet, and they can't tell because it's immaterial, but it's more real than they are.
One way to win this is would be to redirect the same mind control (countering what they do by redirecting it, by exploiting flaws in their plan) to make people team up and focus on the specific issues that are at the core of the establishment, and burn it to the ground and hunt down all the people that are controlling it, and ignore other issues until that's taken care of, because we have all the time in the world to argue about those. Survival comes first.
Really, any issue but taking down the WEF/UN and their puppet politicians is a distraction. Hell, if that was taken care of, most of these "issues" would mostly disappear over time, since they come from the establishment's propaganda machine in the first place. Even if people still discuss things, actual discussions can have conclusions eventually, unlike these endless political "wars".
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@TerminalAutism The objective is to ridicule them using their own weapons to show them how ridiculous it is to use these made up vocabulary when they lose the debate.
"Do you hate blacks?"
"Well, I don't hate them, but they really need to chill out when I use the word "nigger"."
"REEEE!! RACISM!!" (Translation: "you have a good point, but instead of admitting defeat, I'll just try to insult you in the hopes you transfer your victory to me.")
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@ryo You need to learn dialectical jujutsu. Use their bullshit against them!
"Oh, you want to ban guns? So you don't want black women to be able to defend themselves from men and from white cops, you racist misogynist?"
Hey, it's technically even correct. Also, let's ban TVs and Satanphones because they are bad for muh environment.
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@ryo More in reference to the Branch Dravidian group:
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> jujutsu
I think I prefer: