When I was woke in Philadelphia, I believed that it mattered what individual people THINK, because the collective of all people’s thoughts represents the direction of society. So change needed to happen bottom-up, where all regular people get educated about the issues like racism, sexism, etc then society as a whole will stop being racist and sexist.
Now I think - change happens by modifying the environment. So how do you do that? Well, the way I’ve chosen is by building online communities. My biggest goal today is free speech, because it’s the basis of every other discussion. Unpopular opinions need the ability to be said. Because it is absolutely possible the majority of people are on the wrong side of history.
The original movements to fight racism and sexism were free speech movements, because the government was suppressing their speech. Just look at Iran today. Sorry, but if you don’t let retards say the N-word online, it’s a slippery slope that will actually result in MORE racism.