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In case anybody still think electric vehicles are not stupid.
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@johnnyappleseed @Bro-Drillard I always thought electric would be great for cities because emissions are a real problem there no matter how clean the engine is. There are also plenty of services and you could economically have some cars charging and some going, for like a taxi business or something.
In fact, automated electric taxis are somewhat ideal in cities, because they need to be able to run at all hours, as clean as possible, and in theory it’s a controlled, resource rich environment and you could set up the infrastructure for that and make it profitable.
But we never have that conversation. It’s always “how can we replace beat up Ford trucks in the countryside and cars for people who live an hour and a half from the city center and people who do cross-country drives” lmao.
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@Bunny @johnnyappleseed No need to overthink city transportation. Mass transit works fine at places without niggers.
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@Bro-Drillard Exactly, if there was more awareness about the resources and work needed to make things you could have a real discussion. It could even be something along the lines of “it is possible to make passenger cars that use batteries, but should every car use batteries or should we have a mix of things so we don’t destroy the earth mining for every last gram of Lithium and Cobalt?”
Instead what you get is people calling you a heretic for denying climate change if you bring this up.
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@Bro-Drillard Libtards love bandaid solutions as theyre aware theyre in power and that theyre also not qualified too have it so they fake it till they make it because of their imposter syndrome and make probelms in the future in trying too bandaid now.
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@Boomerman Most of them are detached from reality like trades or STEM. They think if they just emote and/or twist words hard enough reality will comply. So they don't recognize that their "solutions" are non-solutions.
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Exactly. The only reason it fails again and again in the USA is because the trains/subways quickly become crime havens due to lack of nigger policing and fare enforcement.
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@johnnyappleseed @Bro-Drillard if they're so worried about muh carbon, it's mighty strange how they hate nuclear power so much
leftoids aren't even allowed to think about the real reason nuclear power might have problems: infinity niggers
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@skylar @johnnyappleseed The real nuclear disasters will happen once nuclear power plants staffed by niggers.
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@Bro-Drillard @johnnyappleseed @skylar Homer Simpson's got nothing on OJ Simpson.