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Gentoo is a great distro!
- soberano likes this.
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@nyanide It's okay.
It would be great if it wasn't a proprietary distro.
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@nyanide true that!
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@maija @nyanide That is a proprietary version of Linux, full of proprietary software and proprietary software loading machinery.
Real, freedom respecting distro's look like this;
uname -r
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@maija @nyanide Repeating a lie over and over again doesn't make it the truth.
No version of GPL is a EULA.
GPLv2; "5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it."
"9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance."
Meanwhile, if you actually read MIT expat or BSD 3-clause, you'll see something interesting;
MIT expat; "***use***, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, ***subject to the following conditions:***"
BSD 3-clause; "***use*** in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted ***provided that the following conditions are met***:"
Which licenses are closer to an EULA?
If you care about freedom, it is your duty to license under the GPLv3-or-later or AGPLv3-or-later, as those licenses are more free and do not grant the power to take freedom.
Those licenses ensure that the software remains free for *all* of its users.
Weak licenses grant the *power* to *take freedom* and if the software is any good, that freedom is taken hard, resulting in the software being proprietary for *most* of its users - so if you care about freedom, *never* license nontrivial software under weak licenses, not even once.
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@Suiseiseki @nyanide GPL is a EULA if you cared about freedom you'd support public domain equivs and closer licenses like MIT/BSD
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@maija @nyanide There is no restriction on the use of the source code - you can use the source code anywhere you want, even as part of a business.
GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ are compatible with MIT expat and BSD-3 clause, as well as most weak licenses.
GPLv3 just isn't weak - if someone or a business tries to take freedom by applying proprietary restrictions to the source code (or to the binaries), the GPLv3 defends freedom and says no.
The GPLv3 is not Mr Weak Guy - if you choose to make a derivative work and enjoy the 4 freedoms, everyone must get those 4 freedoms.
What is predatory is the practices of malicious proprietary software companies and it's incredible that they accuse the defenses that prevent many people from falling victim to their predatory behaviors, of being "predatory" and people believe them instead of seeing through the proprietary lies.
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@Suiseiseki @nyanide GPL restricts the use of the source code, it's a predatory license
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@maija @nyanide You're not forced to use the same license.
There is the option of licensing under the same license OR licensing under a compatible license.
If you go make a derivative work of some GPLv3-or-later software, you are free to license your changes under MIT expat or any other compatible license.
As a whole the software will be GPLv3-or-later and defend the users freedom, but your part will always be MIT expat.
It's quite strange to be demanding the ability to sublicense other people's software and make it proprietary.
You are allowed to freely distribute compiled binaries - it's a matter of including the source code (trivial to do), or including a written offer for such source, or keeping intact the written offer for sources.
The GPLv3 was even adjusted to be able to freely distribute binaries over bittorrent while following the license, without having to include the sources in the same torrent.
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@Suiseiseki @nyanide sure there is you're forced to use the same license and not allowed to distribute compiled binaries freely
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@maija @nyanide The was 8MiB - sure you did buddy.
I will terminate your license permanently and if you continue to distribute my software as proprietary software, I will seek maximum damages for the freedom you have stolen and a court order that requires you to stop stealing freedom.
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@Suiseiseki @nyanide also oops i just rewrote your code in 1:1 assembly with the binary and distribute this new codebase :3
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@maija @nyanide The binary was 8MiB - sure you did buddy.
I will terminate your license permanently and if you continue to distribute my software as proprietary software, I will seek maximum damages for the freedom you have stolen and a court order that requires you to stop stealing freedom.
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@sally Yeah and that makes it slow but I kind of don't care. Use CRUX if you have a hate boner over that.
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Until you realize portage is Pyshitware.