so it turns out this open source dropbox-style thing has "relaying" on by default; it doesn't ask you, and instead assumes it's ok by you to just connect to random ips without asking first
I don't care that they "can't see my data", the assumption is a breach of trust
Of course, it took hunting down some forum thread to understand what was going on
open source projects really need to take this sort of user experience more seriously
the most popular third-party iPhone app for working with this has a process for setting up your Certificate Authority, and, you know, there's a point at which one says "fuck it I'll hand my data over to a private company who'll probably exploit me despite the fact that I'm paying them"
the general consensus seems to be: Phones aren't reliably connected, therefore phones can't be truly peer-to-peer devices, therefore you shouldn't try to sync files with phones
I really need to get around to writing my "an interface is an ideology" essay
@mattly how did you get the access list? Didn’t know macOS has this feature! Oh and thanks for taking the bullet… guess that’s one option less to evaluate
If you want to save the money, BlockBlock by Patrick Wardle does the same thing with an uglier UI and it’s free; I support his Patreon anyway because he’s got so many great little utilities
@duncanbeevers perhaps, but even so I don’t think they’re very up front about the design choice or those trade offs. Nothing from the sun thing homepage indicates to me it’s a p2p program, and if it had I would have known immediately it wasn’t what I wanted
@mattly I think these developers have made some trade-offs in a tricky space, opting for a solution which strikes a balance between usefulness, impedance, and privacy.
No matter where they end up in the final solution space, there will be people who say "WTF"
I think they've done a pretty good job shipping something that works as-expected for most people while providing documentation for the curious and knobs for the dissatisfied.
Sorry you got this surprise! I hope it didn't ruin your day.
@mattly it's based on the same concepts as (trackerless) Torrents. AFAIK it uses a DHT (Distributed Hash Table) to find and connect to other nodes you own, and uses this for "UDP hole punching", which allows it to communicate with other nodes you own after the connection has been set up. This works by having every node participate in this DHT, just like with Torrent clients. I guess in addition they might also have relays.
I get it feels weird though, I also prefer just self hosting things.