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We used to be a proper country.
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Dis weeer da sluppry sloop thayz tuh wurn oos bout.
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"And then that goy mountain didn't pay the seven cents it owed us so we blew it up and cave it boobs"
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I leave for a few hours and come back to "cave it boobs." Smfh. 😒
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@reallyangry @mackya Look it up, or I will send a Jewish professor to educate you in geologic history of the mountain 😒
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@Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator @mackya boob mountain
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@reallyangry @mackya Used to be Mount Tehama before she blew, still an "active volcano". So dox me and your ass is going into the volcano. You can still see rocks from engine size to house size for thirty miles around from when she exploded.
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@Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator @mackya i ain't even bothering to look that up, i just thought it looked like boobs :P
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@reallyangry @mackya The beauty of living in a town of 250 90% white more red skin Indians then spicks and with the county line running right though it is that nether fucking Sheriff's office has a reason to drive thought the town. What the fuck are they going to do? Drive all the way up here doing a patrol just to turn around at the bridge? Their office is forty miles away for god sakes! Also the Sheriff's office on my side is twenty deputies short lol, the budget was cut so bad they grounded the helicopter.
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@reallyangry @mackya Now, Federal National Park Service Rangers will arrest you for marijuana under federal law on federal lands and the Department of Fish and Game is another matter. So, decide to fuck around in the millions of acres of National Forest just be warned, a few are pricks and make you pour out your beer if your not sloppy drunk. But, they are mostly interested in illegal immigrant grow operations and they know me and my truck, stop to chit chat. "Seen any irrigation hoses coming from the creek, seen any those people driving though with bags of fertilizer", anyways. And now my back yard!
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@mackya "pretty soon we're gonna be a communist country" well she isn't wrong but i can't say i'm in favor of drinking and driving.
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@reallyangry @mackya Once I am off the highway and on my towns road I am cracking a beer, there is no law up here, they only come to town for warrants, murders and missing hikers.
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Literally me and my boys up in your mother. 😏
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@Humpleupagus @Deplorable_Degenerate @mackya @reallyangry Should you be in the caves, elephant😒
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@Humpleupagus @Deplorable_Degenerate @mackya @reallyangry I am sure there are bats up in there, watch out for the coat hanger too.