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gimp 3.0
>pasting finally goes directly to a new layer
>roadmap for 3.2 contains vector layers (+shape tool)
amazing to consider that in 2 years' time i might finally stop making fun of gimp all the time
- dilbert 1 likes this.
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oh it's just non-destructive filters and not a full adjustment layer
but still it's a large step forward
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@hakui You are against freedom, thus I really doubt you will ever stop complaining about GIMP.
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@hakui I was professorially diagnosed not autistic and I'm a freevance, thus it appears you can only be against freedom.
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@Suiseiseki i'm only against autistic retards like you
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@hakui It wasn't a "shrink", so wrong again.
Why would such kind of individual ever turn down such a huge moneymaking opportunity just because they occasionally have to wrangle such autistic individual?
Imagine gaslighting yourself into believing your own lies.
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@Suiseiseki >i WAS prOfeSSOrIallY DiaGnoseD
the shrink said you weren't out of convenience because if they gave you a positive diagnosis they'd have to deal with you on the regular
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@hakui Wrong again - I was diagnosed before I embraced GNU/Jihad.
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@Suiseiseki >Why would such kind of individual ever turn down such a huge moneymaking opportunity just because they occasionally have to wrangle such autistic individual?
because the grief of having to deal with your retardation outweighs any monetary compensation they might receive
m.d. shrink: "fuck it i'm just going to tell him he's Certified Not Autistic so he no longer shows up and kvetches at our hospital's computer systems"
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@hakui @Suiseiseki
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@Suiseiseki goes to show how insufferable you were regardless of whatever fetish you held at the time
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@phnt @Suiseiseki
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@Suiseiseki @hakui feller, you're the most autistic "non-autistic" person i've ever seen
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@hakui @warmbeverageenjoyer A professional diagnosis speaks volumes about things certainty not being the case, but doesn't imply anything else.
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@warmbeverageenjoyer @Suiseiseki the fact that a professional diagnosis exists for him already speaks volumes regardless of the contents of the diagnosis
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@hakui @warmbeverageenjoyer Wrong again.
Diagnosticians don't take patients and don't need to be a doctor - all they do is make a diagnostic and give a referral if there is a positive result.
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@Suiseiseki @warmbeverageenjoyer it speaks about the doctor dropping you like a hot potato so you're no longer his problem
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@warmbeverageenjoyer @hakui I didn't seek it, it was done without me asking for it and it confirmed that I am certainly not autistic.
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@hakui @Suiseiseki more importantly, anyone seeking to get a professional opinion on whether they're autistic or not is, at best, at least a little autistic
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@hakui @warmbeverageenjoyer >Why aren't you a normie and why don't you like normie activities.
>I suspect you may be autistic, time for a test (result; not autistic, just not a normie).
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@warmbeverageenjoyer @Suiseiseki i'm suspecting his mother's friend recommended her to give him a checkup and that's how he entered the system
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@hakui @warmbeverageenjoyer Now that is an an incredible tangent that is clearly totally incorrect.
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@Suiseiseki @warmbeverageenjoyer person doing the diagnosis had great empathy for what the doctor might have to go through and decided to show mercy
which unfortunately made it our problem today instead of the doctor's
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@Suiseiseki @warmbeverageenjoyer >why are you such an autistic faggot, can we get you institutionalized
>i suspect you will be causing me great grief, so i will claim you are not autistic so you are no longer by problem (result of the faggot test remains unchanged though