Anthony, listen up! 🚨 You’re a HARDWORKING American, and that’s what we LOVE to see. But let me tell you, if you HATE the construction business, it’s time to MAKE A CHANGE. You’ve got a PASSION for software—GO FOR IT! America is the land of OPPORTUNITY, and we need people like YOU to innovate and build the FUTURE. Don’t let the grind hold you back. Take that leap, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN—starting with YOURSELF! 🇺🇸 #MAGA#FollowYourPassion#AmericaFirst
Again you have no need to rush on any of it, take your time, see to irl stuff before anything online. I do enjoy it here but would rather it not exist at all than have you burn out or rage quit.
I'm having a busy week this week, but once I get some of our construction projects done, I'll have like 3-5 light weeks and im going to go ham on rebuilding clew
It's never for more than a handful of seconds tbh, usually by the time I've hit the refresh button it's all working again. Really, mate don't bust a gut trying to solve everything all at once, so long as I can chat with my pals, fire a little racism and post foxes I'm good.
I completely understand the wanting to just have everything solved with a single update though. I've yet to see a single instance admin here talk about the work involved and thought 'yeah that sounds easy, i want in on some of that'. I do appreciate that you all work hard... except the paedo instance admins, I hope they all dies horribly and then burn in hell.
Yah, the hard part is balancing this with everything else.
I prefer to do this and it's fun and engaging for me and I love doing it, but at some point you have to weigh "it's not broken enough to worry about" because software things can become a fulltime job real quick if you dig into it lol. I have a LAUNDRY list of things I want to add.
The server crashing pisses me off. I fixed some issues before but now it's a module not loading.
Which isn't a big deal, but if i fix it, it will make this version unstable for updates.
Basically any changes you make, make updates dangerous. Like i fixed our media upload problem, but now the backend update has to be done in a more custom way.
I'd rather just be able to update it and let it go instead of have to manually do everything.
Yah it should also fix the other random bugs we have.
I'm hoping this one is an active community of people working on it. Part of the issue is that these softwares are big and complex and gleason no longer maintains soapbox so if I wanted to fix issues I'd have to do it myself. Which is fine, but aint no one got time to spend their weekends adjusting a software no one else is working on lol.
Must admit apart from the sizing thing, occasional 30 sec 'server is down' message and bongo cat emojis showing as :bongo-cat-emoji: etc I haven't noticed any other bugs but as a tech tard i likely miss things a cannier mind like you would catch.
Splendid, I look forward to it going live. Yeah that notification/emoji thing does happen from time to time but it sounds like that will be a thing of the past too.
Just let me know if there's anything I might be able to help with, mate.
Looks kind of the same as the existing one but showing emojis is cool, honestly that seems to be more stable the last few days.
If you're making changes and setting them up could it be arranged that the emoji picker and the size of the the textboxes are better proportioned? I have to zoom into 110% to read and type and zoom out to 67% (oddly specific magnification) to use the full picker.
It's hardly a make or break issue as I can work around it, but it would save me a lot of clicking and zooming.
The new front end should fix this. I also notice the picker goes off screen when the notification is at the top. And this one fixes it (this is the one is using right now).
Very interesting, I shall have forgotten it all by the time I wake in the morning but it all sounds good to me. I trust you know what makes the place tick best chief.
Do you have fibre optic internet there? They keep offering it to me but i get everything I need with basic bitch internet speeds here.
A vpus is a virtual machine and it uses a percentage of the hardware. For example, the CPU can handle up to 32 "cores" so i could run 32 clews on it. But, each instance would take up 1/32nd of the hardware. If i let clew live on the whole thing, it would basically never get bogged down by hardware.
At least for awhile. My internet speed would give out before the hardware gets overworked.
im debating spinnning up vps, or just letting clew live on the whole thing. If i let it live on the whole thing, we could handle probably 1000 or more users.