@Eiregoat it's because of liberalism, it's a much deeper problem.
I used to think arguing about "actually the whole Enlightenment has to go" was too far, but we're already using laws from the 18th century, so why not rip of that bandaid too.
It bothers me that even when people are willing to admit mass migration is bad, they still have to frame their objections in marxist class analysis: "But what about the working class?"
If they manage to make whites a minority in our own homelands we're all fucked. Middle class south africans and rhodesians didn't get a pass because they had slightly more hyperinflated currency, or a nicer house in the middle of a racial jungle. Iceland isn't going to be any different.
I think he's right that the "global leaders" who made it possible might be allowed to retire to a nice nursing home in Switzerland somewhere but everyone else is fucked.
@sickburnbro that sounds like something a low status person would do, high status people agree with everything without offering any resistance. Violence is bad! A foreigner said so.
Well, it's because of the "tabula rasa" types who parasitised liberalism. They move from one ideology to another, give it a bad name, then move on to another one.
Classical liberalism does badly need to account for it's failure to gatekeep. They extended their freedoms to their enemies and now we're all paying the price.
@Eiregoat yes, universal equality was certainly not the original idea. But there was a core piece that linking univeralism between science and religion. It was powerful because it was laying claim to morals above religion ( which explains the french revolution ) and that all humans are just the same monkeys on a blue marble.
model tyranny. "middle class" is a temporary state, it's a bi-product of an artificial boom and bust cycle. the most critical layer is the non working population; children, elderly, and a bunch of others. not a hard decision to provide for workers and soldiers, but when it comes to the non workers, that can be modified to control the system. in the case of ireland, the eu, corporations, banks have put much value into the "celtic tiger", and now want to extract it.