Tfw this laptop manufacturer must be feeling super smug right now due to nvidia rop gate also applying to laptops. Instead of needing to throw out everything they only need to return the nvidia mainboards.
@Spooke It's quite sad that total replacement is required, instead of just being about to swap a CPU or GPU out of a socket (current socket designs pretty much eliminate signal integrity problems).
Storage isn't part of the board unless you're apple.
Socketed GPUs using the MXM slot ( were previously quite common, although manufacturers couldn't help themselves but to use proprietary pinouts and GPU board sizes, meaning you couldn't just go swap out GPUs on most laptops.
There are still some laptops with socketed CPUs (as it does save some costs if you are able to offer models with different CPUs with one motherboard), but I only use GNUbootable thinkpads (the larger models are all socketed, but the smaller models like the X200 has a soldered CPU - no model had a socketed GPU, as thinkpads either had intel integrated as part of the chipset or a ATI chip soldered to the board).
@Suiseiseki I mean usually laptops are 1 motherboard and if your cpu or gpu crap out your whole laptops a brick. At least in this cause the rma is just replace the broken side. It's pretty sad how abysmal laptops are overall. I'm pretty sure storage isn't soldered to the board.
Cpus haven't been socketed in a laptop since the lenovo t440p right? Did we ever have socketed gpus?