@sun What the fuck is up with a lack of relevant ports on screens lately, and a lack of adapters to correct this?
I got a new TV a few days ago, just the standard Samsung model, and there were no audio outputs. They have no way to attach proper speakers. Where in India are these retarded decisions being made???
@sun It's not even a horrible TV (the colors are a bit inaccurate but whatever I'm not a visual fidelity autist) but there's always some weird bullshit like this.
@sun Mine doesn't force any automated "enhancements" though. If it did then 100% I'd be upset. I think those are usually the off brands.
I just can't help but wonder why tf they bother making it a smart TV when you have to get a 3rd party device for speakers. Are people not using external speakers anymore? You can barely understand the built in ones since they had the brilliant idea to put them in the back, the exact opposite direction they should be facing.
@apropos@ooignignoktoo@sun I suspect the actual reason for this part is they get a cut of revenue from streaming services by preloading them and pushing ads, which is why TV's are dirt cheap compared to when I was a kid.
That doesn't explain why they don't include necessary ports and make is overly difficult to get color accuracy.
I don't know why TV manufacturers just don't return to form and just give us a basic panel with a tuner and inputs. I got a smart tv but I keep it offline and I don't really need the smart features at all
@ooignignoktoo@sun@ubernigga it's pushed too heavily to be anything but artificial. There's probably some study showing what I've observed in relatives, that if a smart TV is present it'll be used in preference to infinitesimally more technical computer setup, and then since the smart TV apps never have adblock, people will actually watch ads(??!)
@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare@ubernigga@sun I remember like 20 years ago how they could put two phones next to each other and pass files to each other. Kinda creepy you don't hear anything like that anymore. Imagine how far the spook phones have progressed.
I've used my Bluetooth headphones in front of a microwave before and it didn't affect it 😏 I'll tell you what does, too many different blue tooths hooked up to too many different devices in one space sometimes causes speakers to tap into what someone else is listening to
Everything is going wireless 😏 they sell wireless speakers that hook up to your TV and can place them anywhere without cords all over the floor. Wave of the future