Its exhausting seeing how hard $12/hr employees shill for the markets. Relax guy, this doesn't affect doordash or your weed store, and you certainly aren't playing the markets given your 2 weeks behind on rent.
I agree. But it still feels shitty to live with mommy and/or daddy past, say, 30. Like you've failed at adulthood and manhood.
It's funny, because this "kick 'em out at 18" is pretty much a white american only phenomenon (and I suspect a relatively recent one): everyone everywhere else are perfectly happy to accrue intergenerational wealth together in the same household or homes in near proximity. To everyone else on earth, forcing all offspring to start at zero sounds like great cruelty.
In the Philippines, for example, it's normal for an entire extended family to all live in the same neighborhood, all houses in said neighborhood owned by blood relatives.
Kick em out at 18 and force em to join the military. No matter what your view of it, it set me up pretty damn well, and I wouldn’t be where I am today had I not gone in. The handful of other options: a trade you already got very proficient at before 18 such as welding, plumbing or painting, and truck driving. That’s really about it. College is the worst idea at 18. $100k in student loan debt by the g’damn jews…
@cowanon@Tony@eemmaa it's the only way, the American dream of kicking out your kid at 18 years old and them being able to still get a house is long, long, long over. If you get kicked out at 18 it's basically fucking over, there's basically no way they'll ever get any level of wealth, in fact it's getting completely nonviable