No, the train killed Terry. He put himself on those tracks. You know damned well he was always mentally ill, and mentally ill people make bad decisions like walking on train tracks. He was not bullied into it, he was not trolled into suicide. That's fragile people projecting their own frailty onto him. You have no idea what was going through his mind. For all we know, he could have thought in perfect clarity that death was preferable to being schizophrenic.
@Dagnar@Rasterman@hj This is not unlike what happens to many non-famous schizophrenics on a regular basis, sadly. Not getting proper treatment for years or decades fries the brain and makes reality checking impossible.
There's no big rise in cases, we just see them more easily. Village idiots, the possessed, your hyperactive unkempt neighbour who keeps alerting the cops, it's all been there from the beginning. There's more than enough for every township and tribe.
Anything is possible, really. I just like the NCEP theory because it means we can also train to become arcanists to block these entities. I bet CERN has something to do with the rise of schizophrenia. They opened a portal to Hel. What if the Space Needle is a giant antenna to summon those entities, being powered by unmarked facilities at key points around the Seattle area? It would explain a lot of the weird psychosis going on there.
I lived at a YMCA for a number of years, and some of the guys there had full blown schizophrenia. I got learn a bit about their experiences with it, and if there was one thing they all agreed on is schizophrenia is not fun, not cool, and definitely not something they'd wish on anyone.